Friday, July 29, 2011


The loneliest people were the ones who always spoke the truth. The ones who made a difference by withstanding the indifference. - Kings of Convenience

feeling under the weather.

Friday, July 22, 2011

every pain I've injured had it's fruit.
I've nurtured myself.  Managed.
Helping others, helping myself.
Did not matter because it blooms.

Now that I feel low,
might just mean one thing.
Happiness might just be on its way.
For this time being.
I'm frightened and doubtful, and scared.
Well, I'll just let it be.
I guess.
I'll take my pause here in the dark, with just a beam of light.
rather than take a pause in the light yet darkened by shadows.
I'm a good man.

nalulungkot ako

Saturday, July 16, 2011

little helps

I never really help myself a lot more than I've helped my friends.
It did not even come to my senses till now.
I just thought I'm lucky.
But maybe it's because it all comes back 10 folds.

I miss you.
A lot.
I guess.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


One day a man got everything he ever worked hard for.
He became happy.
He took a pause to see the wider picture.
He still sees his happiness within it.
Like the green hue of a Monet painting.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Soneto XI,

Tengo hambre de tu boca, de tu voz, de tu pelo
y por las calles voy sin nutrirme, callado,
no me sostiene el pan, el alba me desquicia,
busco el sonido líquido de tus pies en el día.

Estoy hambriento de tu risa resbalada,
de tus manos color de furioso granero,
tengo hambre de la pálida piedra de tus uñas,
quiero comer tu piel como una intacta almendra.

Quiero comer el rayo quemado en tu hermosura,
la nariz soberana del arrogante rostro,
quiero comer la sombra fugaz de tus pestañas
y hambriento vengo y voy olfateando el crepúsculo
buscándote, buscando tu corazón caliente
como un puma en la soledad de Quitratúe.